I am going explain in this article how to become a spiritual Master or Adept in few lifetimes. This is based on personal experience and not just based on an academic study of the subject. People grow spiritually through expansions of consciousness known as initiations. With each initiation person becomes more spiritually aware or enlightened. Person becomes closer to his own soul or higher self or spiritual self or the divine spark within each person.
Each initiation makes the person more aware and has control or mastery over the world. This is achieved through gaining control over physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies of the person. Each initiation gives the person control over one of the bodies. A spiritual Master is someone who has taken the fifth initiation or higher.
Initiation is necessary for someone to take an important, influential or leadership position in society in politics, business, religion, sport, music, science, art or any other field of human endeavour. Any important or notable person in history in any field of human achievement is someone who has taken initiation.
I learnt these things through the teachings of my teacher Mr Benjamin Creme and his teacher a Master of Wisdom. Mr Creme introduced a form of meditation called Transmission meditation to the world. He ran many workshops explaining and demonstrating transmission meditation and wrote books on the subject. He travelled round the world teaching and lecturing about transmission meditation and the reappearance of Christ.
I started practicing transmission meditation in early 1990s and was able to achieve some light or enlightenment through the practice of transmission meditation. Transmission meditation is a form of meditation to achieve quick spiritual progress and it is also a great service to the world. There is no other service that can beat transmission meditation in terms of its impact on the person or the world.
Transmission meditation is a group meditation and not an individual meditation. Meditation starts with reciting of Great Invocation. As it is a very powerful meditation it is not suitable for children under 14 years and children or pets should not stay in the same room. 20 to 30 years of regular transmission meditation will give someone the ability to take the first and the second initiation. Second initiation will make the person an adept and it is the most difficult initiation to take. After the second initiation other initiations can follow very quickly if the person continues with the transmission meditation.
The second initiation is the most difficult initiation to take and Within a few years of taking second initiation someone can take the other initiations to work towards becoming a Master of Wisdom and a member of the Spiritual Kingdom. A Master of Wisdom has perfected himself and is fully divine. He exists only to serve plan of evolution and He no longer needs to incarnate on earth and can travel to any place in the Universe. For further information on Transmission meditation please follow the links below. I am happy answer any questions on the subject through email.
Recommended reading
How to Achieve Enlightenment or Spiritual Progress
Transmission Meditation
What Happens After
Death ?
Is There Life After
Death ?
Masters of Wisdom - Who Are They
Fear of death
Is it heaven or hell?
Read Benjamin Creme's books online
Maitreya's Teachings, The Laws of Life,Edited and introduced by Benjamin Creme, Share International Foundation, ISBN 90-71484-31-9
The Great Approach, Benjamin Creme (Share International Foundation, Amsterdam, London, Los Angeles)
The Art of Co-operation, Benjamin Creme (Share International Foundation, Amsterdam, London, Los Angeles)
The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom, Benjamin Creme (The Tara Press)
Maitreya Mission Volume One, Benjamin Creme (Share International Foundation, Amsterdam, London, Los Angeles)
Maitreya Mission Volume Two, Benjamin Creme (Share International Foundation, Amsterdam, London, Los Angeles)
Maitreya Mission Volume Three, Benjamin Creme (Share International Foundation, Amsterdam, London, Los Angeles)
Alice A Bailey, The Reappearance of Christ (London: Lucis Press, 1948)
Alice A Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy (London: Lucis Press, 1955)
H P Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine (London: The Theosophical Publishing House, 1888)
Helena Roerich, Leaves of Morya's Garden, Volume I : The Call (New York: Agni Yoga Society, 1924)
- Leaves of Morya's Garden, Volume II : Illumination (New York: Agni Yoga Society, 1925