This site is about spirituality in the New Age, Esoteric teachings, Ageless Wisdom, miracles, supernatural phenomena and modern spiritual teachers such as Sai Baba, Maitreya and other Avatars.

It also gives information about topics such as life after death and complementary medicine.

The New World Prayer

The new world prayer was given by Maitreya in July 1988 is really an affirmation with an invocative effect, and will be a powerful tool in the recognition by us that man and God are one, that there is no separation. By affirming that I am the creator of the universe I can come into consciousness (eventually) that I am God, the true reality.

I am the creator of the universe.

I am the father and mother of the universe.

Everything came from me.

Everything shall return to me.

Mind, spirit and body are my temples

For the Self to realize in them

My supreme Being and Becoming

The Lord Maitreya

Take your brother's need as the measure for your action, and solve the problems of the world. There is no other course.

Share and save the world.

Fear not!

All in time will be renewed.

All in time will be returned to light.

Lord Maitreya

Sharing indeed, is divine. It underlies all progress for man. By its means, my brothers and sisters, you can come into correct relationship with God; and this, My friends, underlies your lives. When you share, you recognise God in your brother. This is a simple truth, simple, but until now difficult for man to grasp. The time has come to evidence this truth.

Lord Maitreya

"Mum, He is the Christ"

by Laura Fernandez

Sai Baba
Golden Age
Home Page

Laura Fernandez, a Share International co-worker from Spain, describes her visit to meet five-year-old Gabriel Moyano, an Argentinian child famous for his extraordinary healing abilities, previously reported in Share International, December 1998.

On a recent trip to Argentina to visit relatives, my family and I decided to visit the house of Gabriel Moyano, the child of five who acquired healing powers after a visitation from the Madonna. We had the opportunity to talk with Gabriel and his parents, Dora and Carlos, who live in the western province of San Juan, in a humble village of modest houses and unpaved streets.

We had to arrange an appointment, since people come from all over the country to see the ‘miracle’ child. At first Dora and Carlos received us distantly, since the media and the church have taken mixed and contradictory positions regarding the truth of their son’s powers. "Who are these people from Spain, bringing a magazine called Share International, how do they know about Gabriel and what do they want?" were the questions we saw written on their faces. "Before Gabriel saw the Madonna in the repair-garage wall, we never imagined anything like this," explains Dora. "First, I didn’t want my child to do what he is doing, I wanted to protect him since he is such a young boy. But then I realized he is more intelligent than I am. He can differentiate between his life in the school, his life as a normal child playing with others, and his ‘mission’, as he calls it. He doesn’t invent what he says and does, and he is not crazy. We are not afraid, although the church doesn’t approve of what he does, and even says — without having talked directly to us or Gabriel — that we are making money with this, which is false." (As we would confirm later, the Moyanos do not charge any money for their child’s activities, nor do they accept presents or donations.)

Gabriel receives a visitation from the Madonna every night, Who shows him the people he can heal at home and others whom he has to visit to cure them. A couple of brief sessions is all that he needs. The boy places his little hand and a rosary from the Madonna on the patient’s head, mumbles some words and says: "That is it! God heals where He can!"

Many people have been healed in this way, as witnesses and patients can report: from diabetes and bone-fractures to cancer and heart problems. Doctors cannot explain why their patients’ tumours or fractures disappear, although there has not yet been any clinical report certifying these miracle cures.

Dora, being more forthcoming and relaxed, asks an astonishing question after seeing Share International. "Tell me, do you know why Gabriel always talks of two different individuals, the Christ and Jesus, as if they were two different people, I don’t ... understand anything. Does my son know what he is saying?"

Then we show her the photograph of Maitreya in Nairobi, we explain what we know about the Reappearance of the Christ, tell her who the Master Jesus is, and talk about the existence of the Spiritual Hierarchy. She listens attentively, then talks about other matters. Then, suddenly, she stops and says, holding Maitreya’s photograph: "Let’s see if Gabriel can recognize the man in this photo, because he always talks of a ‘Man in White’." She calls her son, who is playing in a backyard with other children. He comes in and Dora shows him the photograph, asking him lovingly: "Look at this man in the photo, look at the robes he wears, his beard and this kind of hat, it is very strange." The boy, who is very short, throws a naughty look at his mother and smiles, not surprised by this question: "Yes, I know him." "And who is he, do you know?" she asks. "Mum, He is the Christ," says the child with an extraordinary confidence. His mother appears somewhat confused, but cannot stop inquiring: "But where do you know Him from?" "From heaven, Mum, when the Madonna takes me with Her, and They talk to me." As soon as he says this, he turns and jumps up, rushing to the backyard again.

We were left speechless. Only Gabriel’s father was able to break the wall of silence we had raised: "If you want to receive some healing, come on Monday, Wednesday or Friday at three o’clock. You will have to queue, since about 100 people come round. I know it is very hot at that time of the day, we have told him to leave it until later, but all he says is: ‘Daddy, the Lord is not a supermarket where you open according to season. He heals at three o’clock.’ " (We found this a striking coincidence with Maitreya’s blessings, which he always gives at three o’clock local time.)

Dora also told us that some time ago a woman (who apparently is telepathically sensitive) came to their house and told them that Gabriel was a reincarnation of Brother Martin de Porres or "Brother Broom". A celebrated Saint in Argentina, he was renowned for his healing powers and because he always wanted to perform the most humble tasks, mainly sweeping, in the monastery where he lived. Dora and Carlos had not heard of the Saint, but they laughed because their son’s favourite toy was a broom.

Some days later, we came across a pharmacy called ‘Saint Martin de Porres’. We asked the owner if she had some pictures or images of this saint, and she very kindly gave us a little 15cm statue which she wrapped up as a present. We returned to Gabriel’s house, where the boy was giving his healing sessions that afternoon. After queuing for some time, we came into the house and my husband placed the wrapped statue on a table. Dora told us they could not accept presents, but we explained that maybe this "present" had something to do with their son’s past. Gabriel then came into the room and treated my husband, who had strained his leg. The little boy placed his rosary on my husband’s head, said a prayer and then placed his rosary again on his ‘working table’, full of pictures, flowers and candles. He appeared to be absent, as if listening to an inner message. Then he turned and went straight to the table where we had placed the wrapped statue. He had to stretch his arms to try to get it as he is short and could hardly reach it. When he finally picked it up, he exclaimed: "Oh, I wanted to know what I looked like!" But Gabriel did not waste any time, as many people were waiting for him. We asked for permission to take some photos. Dora turned to her son who, after a pause, replied with determination: "No, I am told no photos this time."

Benjamin Creme’s Master confirms that the Master Jesus mainly does the healing, and that, indeed, Gabriel is a reincarnation of Saint Martin de Porres (1579-1639).

Laura Fernandez is a Share International co-worker from Spain.

This article is from the June 1999 issue of Share International.