According to Share International Media Service Lord Maitreya will be interviewed on a major US television program. He will not be using his name Maitreya on this program. Share International is asking us to look now for the biggest miracle of all. Before his appearance a large, bright star will appear in the sky visible to all throughout the world - night and day. Maitreya the World Teacher for all will be beginning his open emergence. Since then he has appeared on TV in USA, Mexico and Brasil.
For about 30 years Benjamin Creme, a Scottish artist has been talking about the emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher. He has been giving a lectures about the ‘reappearance of Christ’ once a month at the Friends House in Euston, London, England. He also travels round the world giving these lectures. He also promotes a form of meditation called ‘Transmission meditation’
According to Mr. Creme, Maitreya is the Christ, and later He will be joined by other members of the Spiritual Hierarchy, his disciples, the Masters of Wisdom. Among them will be Jesus Christ who is very close to Maitreya and will be first to appear after Maitreya. There are already about 14 Masters living in the world. Later Maitreya will appear on other TV networks around the world. This will gradually lead to the ‘Day of Declaration’ when Maitreya will speak to the whole world and produce his credentials.
According to Share International Media Service Maitreya appears, 'out of the blue', to people everywhere always in a form that inspires recognition. In this way he seeks to prepare us for his public emergence, and to communicate his teachings His first such appearance was on 11 June 1988, in Nairobi, Kenya in a prayer meeting where he appeared to 6,000 people who saw him as Jesus Christ. He spoke for about 15 minutes in the local language Swahili and healed many people of their various illnesses.
Apparantly Maitreya does not intend to build a new religion around himself, nor to create followers, but to teach humanity "the art of Self-realization." The first steps are "honesty of mind, sincerity of spirit, and detachment."
From 1991 to the present, Maitreya has been appearing before gatherings of orthodox religious groups worldwide. He addresses them briefly in their own language and is recognized by the majority of people in attendance as their awaited Teacher. Maitreya also creates healing springs of water in the areas near these appearances. These healing waters in Mexico, Germany, and India have drawn millions of visitors.
According to Share International Media Service he has been flooding the world with various miracles such as weeping and bleeding statues; healing crosses of light and springs of water; divine messages inscribed by the seeds within fruits and vegetables; bronze and stone sacred statues that appear to drink milk, through such steadily increasing signs and manifestations, now widely reported in the media, he has touched the hearts of millions, preparing them for his imminent emergence. These miracles also strengthen people's faith and give them a sense of hope and expectancy for the future.
Follow the link below to a personal view on Daily written by Mick Brown on the star.
Mick Brown in Daily Telegraph newspaper
Recommended reading
Maitreya’s Teachings, The Laws of Life,Edited and introduced by Benjamin Crème, Share International Foundation, ISBN 90-71484-31-9
The Great Approach, Benjamin Creme (Share International Foundation, Amsterdam, London, Los Angeles)
The Art of Co-operation, Benjamin Creme (Share International Foundation, Amsterdam, London, Los Angeles)
The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom, Benjamin Creme (The Tara Press)
Maitreya Mission Volume One, Benjamin Creme (Share International Foundation, Amsterdam, London, Los Angeles)
Maitreya Mission Volume Two, Benjamin Creme (Share International Foundation, Amsterdam, London, Los Angeles)
Maitreya Mission Volume Three, Benjamin Creme (Share International Foundation, Amsterdam, London, Los Angeles)
Alice A Bailey, The Reappearance of Christ (London: Lucis Press, 1948)
Alice A Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy (London: Lucis Press, 1955)
H P Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine (London: The Theosophical Publishing House, 1888)
Helena Roerich, Leaves of Morya’s Garden, Volume I : The Call (New York: Agni Yoga Society, 1924)
- Leaves of Morya’s Garden, Volume II : Illumination (New York: Agni Yoga Society, 1925
When you see Me, you will understand the reasons for your presence in the world.
You are here my friends, to serve the plan of God.
You are here each of you, from love of your brothers.
You are here too, to learn, to expand your knowledge of that Plan and to progress along the Path.
That is the truth of your presence at this time.
Take heed, then, of this opportunity which I present to you: to share with Me in my work of succour, to ease my burden, to unfold God within you and to lead your brothers to Light.
Many there are whom I call.
Many there are who wait and listen.
Few there are, indeed, who seize the time and act.
These few are my people.
May you become one of them
Lord Maitreya
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